Jordi Altayó

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Canelons de ceps

This recipe uses the same dough used in the recipe Croquetes de ceps and béchamel sauce to prepare a delicious dish typically made in Catalunya the day after Christmas. Ingredients (for 16 units) For the cep dough: 15 g of dried ceps 200 mL of water 100 g of flour 50 g of butter 50 mL of olive oil 100 g of

Truita de patates

Ingredients 3~6 potatoes, depending on the size, approx. 1 kg 1 medium-size onion 4 eggs Steps Peel and cut the potatoes into thin slices. Wash the sliced potatoes and salt to taste. Put them in a glass container with a loose lid and some olive oil. Place in the microwave at medium-high heat and cook